Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 238 Spoilers


 Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 238

Gojo , ghost, ghostmu

The chapter starts with Kashimo using his enhanced eyes to look at Sukuna. The narration says Kashimo was looking at “perfection.” It also says even if Sukuna needs to use hand signs, the two other hands will be free. Since he also has more mouths, he can do chants without affecting his lungs. He proves to be superior compared to other sorcerers. The narration also says he eliminated many sorcerers from various clans before.

Sukuna’s “beauty” and “perfection” captivates Kashimo. He attacks but Sukuna manages to grab him and sends him flying. Sukuna starts chanting and tells Kashimo that he should avoid the incoming attack. He launches a big slash attack, which Kashimo realizes is the attack that sliced Gojo.

Sukuna starts talking about how someone stupid attempted to teach him about love and mentions how he’s alone because no other person can be on a level with him. He then says he should’ve taught love to Gojo or Kashimo. Sukuna proceeds to continue attacking, launching quick hits on Kashimo. He launches a grid of big slashes toward him.

Kashimo now looks like his Heian period self. Sukuna starts preaching to Kashimo about mercy and getting acknowledged. Kashimo transforms back to his current self, and Sukuna says the strongest are loved because they’re stronger, so there’s no need to worry about loneliness. Kashimo notes Sukuna should’ve been satisfied then but wonders why Sukuna still went to the present era. Sukuna responds by saying he thinks love is trash. Sukuna says he doesn’t need love and he’ll do what he wants, killing people when he wants to.

Suddenly, the domain that Hakari and Uraume are inside of breaks. Itadori and Higuruma appear, joining the battlefield.

Sakuna , ghostmu , ghost

(Source: @JJK_Mya and @IDuckyx on Twitter)

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